Keeping our knowledge up to date is an important part of our daily work.
Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner: It’s all in the title. Translators are entrepreneurs and should act accordingly.
Corinne McKay: Very comprehensive help on getting it right when starting up. Extremely useful!
Alessandra Martelli (free e-book): Alessandra tested and compared free software to make things easier for us when looking for a new tool.
Luke Spears (e-book): This one may be more suited for experienced translators. Update December 2014: The book can be read for free as an HTML-version on Luke’s website.
Tess Whitty: Successfully marketing yourself can feel like an overwhelming challenge. Where to start and what to do? Tess has written a book that lets you tackle marketing in very clear steps, keeping you in control.
Tess Whitty: Tess offers interviews with well-know translators about various aspects of marketing. The podcast is available on iTunes as well.
Dmitry Kornyukhov and Elena Tereschenkova: offer a live show featuring interviews with other translators. Not like any other podcast!
Renato Beninaoto and Michael Stevens: As it says on the website: “Globally Speaking Radio isn’t just about how language professionals can improve our skills. It’s also about building awareness of how important translation and localization services are in helping global brands succeed in foreign markets—no matter where their business takes them.” Interesting !
Kathrin Bussmann: Kathrin’s mission is to explore how savvy SMEs can best benefit from today’s social, multicultural and multilingual marketplace. Tune in for weekly interviews with people in the know!
Learn to code online and for free, e.g. JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby, APIs
Online courses, mainly on design, social media and related topics. Free courses are also available.
A graphic design platform which is great for creating customized social media images. You can use your own images, Canva’s generous offering of free images or buy images at very reasonable prices. Great for all non-designers.
Free certified courses.Take the test at the end and have them send you
a certificate of completion. Sweet!
A growing collection of eggcorns along with documented uses.
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