Planning to have 'your big day' in Italy? First of all, let me offer you a congratulations!
Now, before you start preparing the venue, flowers, and food, get organized on the legal side early and enjoy getting ready for that special day.
Here is some information about the documents which the Italian and UK authorities will require you to get translated if you are planning to get married in Italy.
What documents will you need to get translated in order to legally get married in Italy?
1. Birth certificates.
2. Certificates of No Impediment to Marriage (Sometimes referred to an CNI or CoNI and known in Italy as “Nulla Osta”).
3. A Statutory Declaration made by each individual.
4. A Decree Absolute or Certificate of Divorce.
5. Certificates of Baptism (If you want to have a religious ceremony).
What’s next?
1. Collect all the documents that need to be translated.
2. Have everything legalised by following the step-by-step online process here: This means that the documents will need to be sent to the Foreign and Commonwealth office in the UK to be stamped with the Hague Apostille in order for them to be recognized in Italy.
3. Scan and email the documents for a translation quote.
What happens after your wedding?
If you want to register your marriage in the UK in order to support or satisfy other legal procedures or requirements, then you will need to translate the certificate into English.
Send the certificate to a qualified translator who belongs to a professional translator’s association like ITI or the CIOL and that can produce a certified translation as per the guideline listed on
Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Need your documents to get translated? Scan and email them at to receive free and no-obligation quote.